Theming native-base-web Apps

Customizing native-base-web themes is just the same way as NativeBase. But there is something you need to notice:

  • Use themes/light.js from NativeBase to start theming. Don't use that one from native-base-web, as we changed the theme object to a function which will not work in NativeBase when migrating code to workaround an issue.
  • In native-base-web projects, the value of Platform.OS from react-native-web(-extended) is always web. So take care when modifying your copied light.js, as there are many conditions checking Platform.OS by default.
  • NativeBase provides both IOS and Android(material) themes, so does native-base-web. In your PROJECT_ROOT/index.web.js, add the code below to choose one of them:
import { OSTheme } from 'native-base';

OSTheme.setOSTheme('android'); //Default: 'ios'

For detailed customizing guide, check out NativeBase official documentation.

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